Most Adjectives of one syllable, and some of more than one, form the Comparative by adding er and the Superlative by adding est to the Positive; as,
Positive Comparative Superlative
sweet sweeter sweetest
small smaller smallest
tall taller tallest
bold bolder boldest, etc.
brave braver bravestPositive Comparative Superlative
sweet sweeter sweetest
small smaller smallest
tall taller tallest
bold bolder boldest, etc.
- When the Positive ends in e, only r and st are added; as,
fine finer finest
large larger largest, etc.
- When the Positive ends in y, preceded by a consonant, the y is changed into i before adding er and est; as,
easy easier easiest
heavy heavier heaviest, etc.
- When the Positive is a word of one syllable and ends in a single consonant, preceded by a short vowel, this consonant is doubled before adding er and est; as,
big bigger biggest
hot hotter hottest, etc.
- Adjectives of more than two syllables form the Comparative and Superlative by putting more and most before the Positive; as,
difficult more difficult most difficult
industrious more industrious most industrious, etc.
- The Comparative in er is not used when we compare two qualities in the same person or thing. If we wish to say that the courage of John is greater than the courage of Peter, we say,
But if we wish to say that the courage of John is greater than his prudence, we must say,
John is more brave than prudent.
- When two objects are compared with each other, the latter term of comparison must exclude the former; as, Iron is more useful than any other metal.
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